Autumn is probably my favorite time of year...I love the weather, the leaves changing colors, and Halloween. We've been really busy the past week with Kole having a bunch of half days at school, getting ready for Halloween, and the party and parade at school. This year Nancy and I volunteered to help in the classroom with the party, which was more or less just handing out snacks and making sure everyone was in their costumes.
After the events at school happenings, we met Koles best friend, Nora, at a local farm to pick out pumpkins and see the animals. The cages the animals were in were a little small for me to be comfortable with, but the kids liked looking at them and seeing the goats showing off. There even was a one-legged goose who never seemed to move. Pumpkin pickings were mighty slim:
On Halloween we spent quite a bit longer getting Koles makeup looking right, since we didn't really have time in the classroom to make it look very zombie/ghoul-like. The jelly-blood really sold it. Nancy had been working for the past week or so on making Elliette a Witch costume, basically a cloak and hood combo with a purple lacy/spider web fringe. It was looking great, but Elliette refused to keep it on and kept trying to tear it off. So we just dressed her in a Halloween themed outfit, and put her in a pumpkin costume for pictures.
Papa and Grandma Gore came down to Grandma Prince's house for trick or treating before Nancy and I took off to attend a house warming/Halloween party at our friends Matt and Liz's new house. Late night shenanigans ensued, and we hitched a ride back to Grandma Prince's house, slept semi-soundly, and woke to coffee and eggs. Good times!
(FYI, I was Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead fame, and Nancy was Rainbow Brite)
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