Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tattoos and pizza

Elliette is right in the middle of what every parent can agree is the best part of having a toddler: teething! It's sooo much fun to wake up at 1am to change a diaper, fix a small bottle, and snuggle. Then repeat at 4am. And the constant whining and generally poor disposition? It's just so precious. So this morning when Nancy got up with Kole at 6:00 this morning to see the meteor shower, I didn't really give much thought into getting out of my warm bed. Unfortunately, it was too cloudy for them to see the sky. That would have been really cool for Kole to share seeing a meteor shower at school during show and tell.

I got to sleep pretty late (9:45am) since Nancy was home and she got Kole on the bus. After a short breakfast, and one "Signing Time" video, I had to leave for a tattoo appointment. I booked a bunch of time with Lou Jacque at Transcend Tattoo to finish up my right sleeve, and all there is left is the underarm from armpit to elbow, and a few blank spots here and there.

It's a different take on the classic Greenman, using Elliette's face. There are probably two sittings left according to Lou. I'm very pleased with the way it's going so far.

Nancy went to Kole's parent/teacher conference today. We really like his teacher a lot, she's very sweet and great with the kids. Nothing really exciting to report, just that he excels at math, his reading and writing skills are above average, and he can get a bit chatty when other kids are distracting him...all of which we already knew.

When I got home from my appointment, there was this beautiful pizza from "Vespucci's" waiting for me. There is no pizza, I repeat, no pizza like those from the New Haven area.

Then Kole farted and made Papa-Grandma choke on her pizza.

Once the kids are in bed for the night, I have this to look forward to. Nancy has been really into making pies lately, and even though I have only had a few pieces, I love how the house smells like apple pie.

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